North-South Railroad, The importance of the North-South Railroad for Brazil

The North-South Railroad is an important railroad axis created to expand the country's logistics and outflow capacity for the production of goods. It was initially designed to cut across the states of Goiás, Tocantins and Maranhão. When completed, there will be 3500 kilometers of railroad tracks, leaving from Anápolis (GO) until reaching Açailândia (MA). In Açailândia, it will have two different destinations: São Luís (MA) and Belém (PA). It is noteworthy that in Anápolis there is an integration with the Centro Atlântica Railroad, which connects to the Port of Santos (SP), in addition to having a multimodal platform that serves the country's logistics network I complete.

Historically, Brazil adopted highways as a transport logistics. Therefore, the North-South Railroad has become a major national integration project. Among the objectives of its construction, the following stand out: a more economical alternative for the transport of long-distance cargo; a new export logistics through the Port of Itaqui, in São Luís do Maranhão; a new “March to the West”, as a promoter of economic occupation of the Brazilian Cerrado.

The North-South Railway is an important project of national economic integration, as it will streamline an entire network of Brazilian logistics, facilitating the flow of production and allowing agility in the export of Brazilian products to others countries. In addition, of course, to reducing the costs of transporting goods.

The main goods to be transported will be: grains and bran, soy oil, fertilizers, alcohol, petroleum products, sugar, cotton and cement.

The criticism that is made to the North-South Railway project is that it does not include the transport of passengers, but only cargo.

By Regis Rodrigues
Graduated in Geography

Source: Brazil School -

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