If you're expecting a baby and haven't chosen a name yet, the first step is to consider that there are forbidden names. Parents cannot register their child with the desired name if it violates a set of rules that cannot be broken. In Brazil, for example, it is prohibited by law to choose a name that could expose the child to embarrassment.
This also happens in other countries. Have you ever thought that person will live with that name? It is important to ensure that the child has a happy life and is not made fun of! The list of banned names varies by country and is based on cultural, religious and political factors in order to avoid possible embarrassment in the future.
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Names with M that are prohibited by law
1. Messi
If you are a fan of the Argentine soccer player, know that Argentina itself has banned the name! Several fans of the ace tried to register their children with the name of the player and the name was permanently banned so that there would not be a whole generation with the same name.
Could the name Neymar also be banned someday?
2. metallica
The American band had the name banned in the registries for the same reason as the name Messi. In Sweden, Metallica can only be a band, as a father, a fan of the band, tried to pay homage by naming his son.
3. Monkey
In Denmark, parents cannot register their children under that name, although there is no justification for this. And I don't think you need any additions, do you?
4. Mafia no Fear
The name is banned in New Zealand, according to authorities. The justification is plausible, as the name belongs to one of the biggest criminal groups in some countries.
5. Malek or Malika
Only kings and queens! In Saudi Arabia, the name belongs only to the nobility, and it is forbidden to register babies with proper names.
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