Aid of R$ 600 is guaranteed until December of this year

A provisional measure was recently approved by the plenary of the Federal Senate that grants the Ministry of Citizenship a very high credit of R$ 27 billion. This money will be used for financeincrease ofBrazil-Aid, from $400 to $600,untilDecember. The benefit will be distributed to more than 21 million needy families.

With this value, other social programs, included in the Amendment Constitutional 123, will be financed until December. This amendment guarantees the government the opportunity to exceed the spending ceiling of more than R$ 41.25 billion by the end of this year, in order to benefit more projects and reduce fuel taxes.

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Read more: Brazil Aid calendar for November; how is the payment this month?

Understand better about this situation

The MP authorized an increase of R$ 200 for Auxílio Brasil (R$ 25.5 billion) and Oincreaseof value of the Gas Aid (BRL 1.04 billion).

Another program that benefited from the measure was Alimenta Brasil, which earned around R$ 500 million to finance its costs. Its main objective is to ensure foodthe populationansweredthrough the netinassistanceSocialfrom the government through food produced by family farming.

In additionfrom that, BRL 86.9 million are destined to the Ministry of the Economy,Theend in payyour expenses and bank charges relatedto the program Brazil Aid.

defaulting institutions

The Federal Senate also sanctionedone provisional measure that constitutesat compensationtributary for institutionsfinancial what havesuffereddamageatobtaining in credits. The textevaluate that the banks they candeducedamage at determinationof profiteffective It is at the base in calculation of the Social Contribution on the profit Net (CSLL).

It ismeasureifapplyto operationsdefaulters (with termin maturityover 90 days) It is to operations with peoplelegal in processinbankruptcyor in recoveryjudicial. O treatmenttributaryalreadycan to be applied from January 1, 2025. administrators in consortia It is the institutions in paymentnothey aresubjectto theregime Special.

in operationsdefaulters, the value of the damage deductible must be checkedfrom month to month.Incase in recoveryjudicial, the value é equal à portion that exceeds the value, that the debtor if committed The remunerate. Incase in bankruptcy, the lost deductible is equal to the total credit amount.

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