INSS will cut THESE benefits of those who do not have an updated registration

The National Institute of Social Security (INSS) will do a fine-tooth comb on your benefits and cut payments if the requirements imposed by the body are not met. It is important to pay attention to the deadlines given by the INSS so as not to lose medical expertise and end up being cut at the time of the fine-tooth comb.

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The purpose of this cut is to end, or try to reduce, payments that are improperly made, or that is, for people who are not able to receive this type of aid, in different benefits of the organ. The sickness benefit, retirement and Continuous Provision Benefit (BPC) programs will receive this clean from the INSS.

It is important to keep all your data up to date, as this prevents your benefit from being cut off unduly without prior notice. During the fine-tooth comb, an analysis is carried out that tries to find and eliminate payments that are being received in a improperly, or even those beneficiaries who no longer need such aid, but are still listed in the system of the organ. That is, all beneficiaries will be obliged to attend some stage of updating their records, for greater control by the INSS.

According to what was informed by the Institute, this search will include aid and disability pensions that are more than six months without updates from the medical expert. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the dates that the body makes available. Anyone with a delayed procedure will have to update it to continue receiving the benefit.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Security is responsible for this investigation, and the authorization for reviewing the beneficiaries was published in the Official Gazette. The publication does not contain much information, it just says that labor, tax, assistance and social security benefits will undergo an inspection.

In the case of those who are contemplated by the BPC, payments may be cut when the beneficiary has been there for 2 years or more without undergoing any type of investigation or update of the case. Those interested in acquiring this right need to enroll in the Single Registry (CadÚnico). The benefit is paid every month for seniors over 65 and people with disabilities.

This review will be valid for 180 days, according to the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, and whoever is summoned will have to undergo a medical examination. Those who do not schedule or miss this skill will no longer receive the benefit in question. On the day of the procedure, it is important to present the documents that prove your case, such as medical reports, exams and other information.

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