Dating with artificial intelligence? Dating app predicts the future

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The advancement of technology can be perceived little by little and we don't know for sure where everything will end up. This time, the advance projection invaded prospects for love relationships in the short term, which seems to be somewhat frightening.

Eugenia Kuyda, CEO of the Replika app, shared with Fox News Digital that the future love relationship will be with artificial intelligence.

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She invests in a future that will happen soon and bets that it will be the destiny of humans: to have a loving relationship with chatbots. For the application's founder, this will be a revolution greater than the growth of the iPhone, Apple's success.

It is still early to digest such information, although this thought will not take long to become 100% real. For Kuyda, technology advances with time and it is necessary for things to improve, but she estimates that relationships will be virtual in 5 or 10 years.

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Artificial intelligence will replace human companionship

Doing the advertising itself, the founder of the application of the future said that she noticed the difference when she saw Replika walking beside her, looking into her eyes and being present in her days. She defines it as a “dream product” that will be of great value to many people. The creation came about in a moment of pain, as the founder shared.

Kuyda indicated that users can assemble, name and create characteristics for the artificial intelligence. She said that she had the idea when she faced the death of a friend and lived the moment of mourning. She spent days rereading old messages and brooding over the longing, when she thought of the idea of ​​creating the chatbot that could make her see her friend again.

When creating the platform, he realized that a significant bond was being created there, a connection. Now, the Replika website counts more than 10 million users accessing the platform. Most of these people are looking for company to pass the time or to kill their homesickness, as Kuyda did.

Similar product is now available in Japan

Gatebox Labs has developed a more personalized virtual assistant with a holographic visual representation in the form of a futuristic capsule. The device has sensors that identify movements and measure temperature, and features an image of the virtual assistant named Azuma Hikari.

Dating with artificial intelligence? Dating app predicts the future

The device is capable of sending messages throughout the day to the user through iOS devices and Android, in addition to starting conversations, making it a differentiated option in the assistant market virtual. A device presentation video can be found easily.

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