Residents of THESE cities will have access to FGTS of up to R$6,000

Throughout Brazil, around 23 municipalities were affected by strong rains and declared a state of public calamity. That is why workers residing in these locations will be able to withdraw from the Severance Indemnity Fund (FGTS) with a limit of R$ 6,200. Check rules for accessing money.

FGST withdrawal for THESE workers

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Workers with a positive balance who have not carried out the calamity withdrawal in the last 12 months will be able to do so now. What leads to a state of calamity decree are floods, heavy rains, floods, sea floods, hail, storms, cyclones, hurricanes and any other similar type of disaster.

In all, 23 cities across Brazil will be responsible for making withdrawals available to their residents. It is important to point out that this amount is only available for workers residing in places that registered such disasters.

Workers from these cities will have access to the loot

The request can be made by the FGTS application itself, with the login and the necessary information. In the tool, search for “My Withdrawals”. Right after that, go to “Other Looting Situations” and click on the “Public Calamity” option.

The request can also be made in person at any bank branch of Caixa Econômica Federal. It is necessary to present the most recent proof of residence, CPF and work card (physical or digital).

Until this January

  • Gravataí (RS): until 01/23;
  • Verê (PR): until 01/25.

Until the month of February

  • Muriaé (MG): until 08/02;
  • Ivaiporã (PR): until 02/14;
  • Poço Fundo (MG): until 02/26.

Until the month of March

  • Palhoça (SC): until 03/05;
  • Tijucas (SC): until 05/03;
  • São João Batista (SC): until 07/03;
  • Antônio Carlos (SC): until 07/03;
  • Santo Amaro da Imperatriz (SC): until 03/07;
  • Anitápolis (SC): until 03/09;
  • Águas Mornas (SC): until 03/14;
  • Warehouse (SC): until 03/14;
  • Brusque (SC): until 03/14;
  • Canelinha (SC): until 03/14;
  • Paraúna (GO): until 03/14;
  • Florianópolis (SC): until 03/15;
  • São Pedro de Alcântara (SC): until 03/15;
  • São Pedro de Alcântara (SC): until 03/15;
  • Rancho Queimado (SC): until 03/15;
  • Carapebus (RJ): until 03/19;
  • São Martinho (SC): until 03/19;
  • São José dos Pinhais (PR): until 03/26.

Lover of movies and series and everything that involves cinema. An active curious on the networks, always connected to information about the web.

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