From time to time, a new idea or tip goes viral on social media and causes a huge debate on the networks. The most recent one is about using water with lettuce to combat insomnia, as this would be a very effective natural remedy. Thus, the video was successful in the TikTok and reached a number of 1.4 million likes on the social network. But what does science say about this tip?
Read more: Calming Teas: 3 teas that relieve the symptoms of insomnia and depression.
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Lettuce help you sleep?
Lettuce has a powerful substance called lactucin, which is present in the stalks, not the leaves. This substance is responsible for making people sleepy, so even the most primitive people, like the Egyptians, used lettuce to sleep. Therefore, it is not a myth that by consuming lettuce you will be more prone to sleep.
Even the effects can be very intense, as studies indicate that lactucin is similar to opium in terms of structure. That is, the effect is more similar to a sedative than a simple tranquilizer, even if it is entirely natural.
However, the amount of lactucin absorbed in water recipes with lettuce, which works as a kind of tea, is reduced and not very useful. Therefore, it depends on how susceptible your body is to this element so that you actually feel sleepy with this recipe.
What helps you sleep?
Anyone looking to get a good night's sleep needs to think about the principles of sleep hygiene, how to avoid cell phone screens before bed, invest in a good mattress and avoid very sugary foods at night. night. In addition, it is important to emphasize that the doctor should always be consulted in cases of extreme insomnia. That's because sleep is fundamental to our physical and cognitive development, and therefore it cannot be an option, but a duty.
Finally, it is still worth believing in good home remedies for lack of sleep, such as chamomile or passion fruit tea. And also, observe the possible causes of insomnia, such as anxiety or stress. With this, you will be able to rethink your habits and work on whatever is necessary to combat this problem.