3 dairy products that are rich sources of calcium, minerals and probiotics

Milk and its derivatives have always been known as essential sources of calcium and minerals in a balanced diet. However, the new benefits of certain dairy products have drawn attention due to their action, as is the case with probiotics, which increase intestinal health. So stay tuned for the best foods milk derivatives for your gastrointestinal health.

Milk, the most complete food

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Discover the great influence that dairy products can have on your health:

1. Milk as a rich source of benefits

The association of milk with health is old and comes from its rich composition in calcium, minerals and sugars, being essential for the development and maintenance of the health of the body, especially of the most young people.

However, recent research and old recipes associate fermented milk derivatives with even more health benefits, especially the gastrointestinal system.

This system is essential for the correct functioning of the body, being responsible for the degradation and absorption of the most varied compounds.

Associated with it is a complex network of microorganisms, which in their normal state, in addition to being harmless to human health, still help in some body processes.

Because they facilitate the process of absorbing nutrients and medications, as well as the manufacture of vitamins. Therefore, the maintenance of this microbiota is essential for the correct functioning of the body.

Therefore, precisely the foods obtained from the fermentation of milk are the main responsible for this replacement, since they are considered probiotics, that is, they have microorganisms live.

Top 3 probiotics for gastrointestinal health

Among the various dairy foods with probiotic action, these three stand out:

  • kefir – created thousands of years ago, this food has gained popularity in the West after proving its benefits and the ease of home production. It is formed from the fermentation of milk and has an active microbiota associated with improved intestinal and immune health;
  • cup yogurt – Widely known and appreciated by children, cup yogurt is a rich source of probiotics. Its creamier constitution, compared to bottled yogurts, is precisely due to its inoculation process. This process allows fermentation to occur throughout the entire storage process, so when it is opened by the consumer, the yogurt is a rich source of probiotics;
  • Fermented milk – As the name implies and as the famous Yakult advertisement emphasizes, fermented milks are rich in live Lactobacillus, in addition to other microorganisms that have an important regulatory action in our body.

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