Cranberry: the benefits of this acidic and nutritious fruit are countless

Composed of vitamins C and E, the cranberry fruit also offers antioxidant substances to those who consume it. It can be consumed in natura, dried, in syrup and as juice, but its isolated use does not have as much effect as when it is associated with healthy practices such as physical activity, balanced diet and control of addictive habits such as smoking and alcoholism.

So, discover now the benefits of cranberry and add it to your food routine by associating it with a more active life.

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benefits of cranberry

Check out the benefits of cranberry below and start consuming it to gain access to all its advantages.

Prevents infections

Because it is rich in vitamin C, anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins, flavonoids and catechins, cranberry fights and prevents urinary tract infections, considering that these substances eliminate the toxins and bacteria present in this system.

Helps in the digestive tract

In addition, it improves digestion and regulates the intestine due to the fibers and the capric, ascorbic, acetic, malic and citric acids it has. And if you think that the benefits end there, you are very wrong! Cranberry also helps with weight loss, due to the function of reducing blood fat.

It is excellent for skin maintenance.

In addition, it fights premature aging, increases urinary flow and increases the healing capacity of the skin. The fruit also assists in the treatment of people suffering from neurogenic bladder, in addition to many other benefits.

It is worth remembering that due to the antioxidants present in the cranberry, it is consumed by people who have type 2 diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases and many other diseases.

Finally, as stated at the beginning of the article, the benefits of this fruit can be enhanced if associated with good movement habits, such as physical exercise. So, if you are going to consume the cranberry, remember to exercise.

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