PC slow after upgrading to Windows 11? See how to easily solve it

O Windows11, operating system of Microsoft, may be harming the performance of computer SSD drives, reducing it by up to 45%, recent tests reveal.

The problem in question is related to SSD encryption, an addition only present in Windows 11 Pro. The highlighted feature is BitLocker, which is automatically activated when Windows 11 Pro is installed.

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However, this process can lead to a notable reduction in the performance of SSDs, as seen in tests carried out by the TomsHardware website.

What is BitLocker?

BitLocker requires the processor to allocate significant resources to encrypt and decrypt disk contents, resulting in a considerable decrease in performance, mainly affecting read and write operations random.

Given that SSDs play a crucial role in PCs, especially when storing operating system data, Any decline in the efficiency of read and write operations may negatively impact the overall performance of the computer.

The tests compared three scenarios: one with BitLocker enabled and two others with hardware encryption enabled and disabled. It was found that the first scenario with BitLocker active resulted in a reduction in latency and throughput, compared to the other two scenarios, which maintained similar performance.

For users with computers running Windows 11 Pro, enabling BitLocker is likely. Checking whether BitLocker is enabled is simple.

Just access the command prompt as an administrator and enter the command “manage-bde -status”. The information generated will show the “Conversion Status” and “Encryption Method”.

The first will indicate whether encryption is on or off, while the second will reveal the type of encryption. If the result shows “XTS-AES”, it means BitLocker is in use.

If you encounter this situation, you might consider disabling file encryption on the SSD. However, it is important to note that this action will reduce the security of your data.

If you are using a computer at home where the risk of theft is minimal, deactivation may be an option. However, for laptops susceptible to theft, keeping BitLocker enabled is advisable.

To achieve maximum device performance, you can simply disable BitLocker. Simply, at the command prompt as administrator, enter the command “manage-bde -off C:” (replacing the letter ‘C’ with the one that identifies the SSD drive protected with BitLocker, if it is not the default ‘C’).

After disabling BitLocker, you can evaluate whether there have been improvements in your computer's overall performance. If you do not notice significant differences or prefer to maintain data security, you can reactivate BitLocker with the command “manage-bde -on C:”.

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