Still haven't received the PIS/Pasep? THIS MAY BE THE REASON

The PIS/Pasep allowance is paid annually to all registered workers and public servants.

However, to be entitled to the money, it is necessary to meet the requirements established by the competent authorities.

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Briefly, the prerequisites are as follows:

  • Be registered with the PIS for at least five years;
  • Having received an average monthly remuneration of up to two minimum wages during the base year;
  • Have performed paid activity for a legal entity, for at least 30 days, consecutive or not, in the base year considered for calculation;
  • Have your data informed by the employer correctly in the Annual Social Information List (Rais)/eSocial.

Why haven't I received the PIS/Pasep allowance yet?

Haven't you received the PIS/Pasep allowance amounts up to now? Know that the payment schedule started in February this year.

Therefore, most beneficiaries must have already received amounts that can reach up to R$ 1,320.00, the current minimum wage.

However, if you still haven't received the grant money, any of these things may have happened to you:

  • You do not meet the requirements to access the benefit;
  • The deposit was made in Caixa Tem's social savings account and you are checking your checking account (or vice versa);
  • Your data was incorrectly shared by the employer in Rais (Annual List of Social Information);
  • The credit was made in the savings account of the Bank of Brazil, and not on the current account.

How do you know where the money went?

You can access the Digital Work Card (CTD) application to find out where the money was deposited. That is, if you are entitled to the PIS/Pasep allowance and have not seen the amounts in your account, you can check whether they were sent to the wrong destination.

However, if you do not meet any of the necessary prerequisites for receipt, there is no solution. In this case, you are in fact not entitled to receive the money of the allowance.

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