Some benefits can be essential in the income of millions of Brazilians, especially in a scenario of high unemployment and “on the ceiling” inflation. Because of this, the federal government offers a series of assistance programs to citizens.
However, many do not know that they are able to receive such aid, which can help make life easier in many ways, which can end up weighing heavily on your pocket at the end of the month. So, check out what benefits you may be entitled to and don't know.
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Read more: Find out who can receive inclusion assistance
First of all, it is important to understand that the distribution of these payments, for the most part, is done through the Single Registry (CadÚnico). Through this registry, the federal government is able to register citizens' data and verify the information provided. For this reason, it is essential to register directly at the nearest Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS).
Requirements for registering with CadÚnico
In general, the requirements are linked to situations of vulnerability that affect citizens, such as social and financial conditions. Are they:
- Have a monthly family income of up to three minimum wages;
- Have a monthly income of up to half a minimum wage per individual in the family nucleus;
- The head of the household must preferably be a woman and present a CPF or Voter Registration Card;
- The person responsible for the family group must be 16 years of age or older;
If you meet these requirements, you can have access to some of the many benefits offered by the federal government, namely:
- Social Charter;
- Cistern Program;
- Social Electricity Tariff;
- Popular Phone;
- ProJovem Adolescent;
- Environmental Conservation Support Program;
- Elderly Card;
- Retirement for low-income people;
- Exemption from public tender fees.
- Brazil Aid;
- Green and Yellow House.
In specific cases, such as quilombola and indigenous families, the documents presented may be different, usually with less requirements than for other citizens. In any case, it is important to check with the nearest CRAS.