Warren Buffett increases investment made in Nubank

One of the largest digital banks in the world, Nubank, has proven to be a good option for those looking to invest. Thus, billionaire Warren Buffett's company, Berkshire Hathaway, acquired another batch of shares in the great Brazilian financial startup.

Read more: Learn how to withdraw your money in Nubank's "save money" function

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Only this year did a negotiation that most likely took place at the end of 2021 become public. This disclosure was made through a report submitted to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

The investor reached the equivalent of US$1 billion in shares with Nubank, acquiring 2.3% of the bank in 2021. In addition, it was also possible to discover that the “Oracle of Omaha”, as it became known, also sold a portion of Mastercard and Visa investments, large traditional companies in the market financial.

However, it is also known that Buffett had already made a large investment in Brazilian fintech before it went public on Wall Street, which occurred last December. He had already made an investment of 500 million dollars in June 2021, four months earlier.

Could it be the new cryptocurrencies?

There are comments in the press that there is a relationship in this financial movement by Buffett with a closer relationship with cryptocurrencies. In addition, NuInvest – Nubank's investment platform – allows this negotiation.

However, there are still no certainties about what the megainvestor is actually wanting to do, but we can keep an eye on the next steps, as he is a reference. Especially because, in 2013, he already positioned himself against this cryptocurrency sector.

6th place in the ranking

Thus, there are more than 70 years of experience behind Buffett's history in the world of investments. With that, he generated a billionaire fortune, which led him to occupy the sixth place on the Forbes list with his net worth valued at US$ 113.5 billion.

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