Brazil's main brewery companies, including Ambev and Heineken, have informed state governments that they will no longer be able to hold back beer prices. beer practiced in the country. The announcement was made at a time when governments are considering raising taxes for the sales area.
The breweries in question are represented by Sindicerv, which presented a study by the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV) on the subject to the Ministry of Finance.
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According to the analysis, between 2019 and 2022, these companies absorbed 52.8% of the increases in production costs.
The truth is that the sector has been facing great challenges in keeping prices accessible to consumers, even with the increase in production costs. Therefore, brewery companies are warning the government about the impossibility of holding prices.
Increase in beer prices may impact inflation rates in Brazil
The beer sales sector in Brazil has a high impact on the calculation of inflation measured by the Extended Consumer Price Index (IPCA) of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).
According to experts, an increase in beer prices could result in an even greater impact on inflation indices, which may hinder the campaign for the reduction of interest rates by the Central Bank (BC).
As a result, the Ministry of Finance faces a major challenge to keep prices under control and guarantee the country's economic stability.
The increase in beer prices may negatively affect the economy, especially with regard to the purchasing power of consumers.
In other words, the situation should be of concern to all Brazilians and it is important that measures are taken to avoid a negative impact on the country's economy.
Gasoline price increases in 24 Brazilian states
The concern is not just about beer: since June 1st, drivers in 24 Brazilian states are facing an increase in gas price.
The change is due to the new unified ICMS collection model in the states, which now charge the same rate of R$ 1.22 per liter of fuel.
According to estimates, the increase is almost completely eroding the reduction in gasoline prices that was confirmed by Petrobras last May.
In addition, a second increase is already expected for July this year, when the Federal Government will complete the process of recharging fuels, such as gasoline and ethanol, in Brazil.
The measure directly affects drivers, who have to deal with the sudden increase in fuel prices. The situation is worrying, since gasoline is an essential item for the mobility of millions of Brazilians.