Mark Zuckerberg studies the possibility of charging for the use of WhatsApp

After buying Twitter, billionaire Elon Musk made a series of changes within his new platform, and one of them was the creation of Twitter Blue. With this new measure, other companies are already starting to develop plans that bring greater advantages to their users, or even plan to charge for the normal use of their application.

Another well-known billionaire in the technological world and also CEO from Meta, Mark Zuckerberg, commented on the subject and the improvements that would be coming through these new creations. It is important to remember that Meta is the company that owns Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. For now, Zuckerberg's initial plans involve only the whatsapp business.

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Understand a little more about this WhatsApp news

According to information from the Reuters agency, there is a chance that Zuckerberg's company will start charging for the use of WhatsApp Business, as if it were a kind of monthly subscription, like streaming platforms, for example. WhatsApp Business is aimed at commercial and corporate accounts in general.

It is also worth remembering that, recently, Meta invested heavily in the creation of the Metaverso, which despite being attracting attention of some brands to itself, has not yet managed to present expressive results through the initial expectation of launch.

According to unknown sources, Meta CEO is actually working on a subscription plan for WhatsApp Business. And, according to him, the creation of this plan will bring many benefits and fundamental tools for its users' businesses.

There is still not much information about the price base for these subscriptions or when it will actually be available to end users of the social network. It is estimated that prices, when put into practice, will receive some readjustments, as happened with Twitter Blue.

Goal Crisis

It is believed that the return of Covid-19 has affected some large companies, not just those in the technology market. Another relevant factor in this Meta crisis was Zuckerberg's recent mass dismissal from his team, which took everyone by surprise.

Lover of movies and series and everything that involves cinema. An active curious on the networks, always connected to information about the web.

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