Got late? Blame the zodiac: see which signs are NEVER on time

Some people are more disorganized, confused and clumsy than others. Did you know that this consequently ends up influencing the way in which they perform a certain task? Unfortunately, they remain prone to face disasters in the face of common everyday situations. According to astrology, some signs they always seem to be further behind in time than others, as they are always late. See what they are.

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Signs that are always late: from appointments to the week's agenda

These characteristics – disorganization, haste, confusion – make the individual always fall behind, whether in relation to the time to be in some places and the quality made available for a task to be done. Check out a list of the signs that are always lost in their own agenda and end up being left behind.

1. Sagittarius

Sagittarians are characterized by being a very adventurous group that values ​​freedom. Therefore, they never think about schedules, plans and goals. They are carefree, so they don't think so much about this issue, just having fun and constantly seeking to enjoy this freedom.

2. Scorpion

This sign is one of the most disorganized of the zodiac. They like to multitask, so they end up creating clutter in their lives and find it difficult to keep to schedules. Believe it or not, they like to live in this constant mess.

3. Aries

This one is very difficult to deal with, so he ends up spoiling things with his temper. When he dedicates himself to cleaning up his messes, they end up creating new ones in the process. It's a real snowball.

4. Twins

Geminis are always late for everything! Although they themselves do not recognize this and end up creating intrigues with their close ones, they are rarely on time for anything.

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