Enemy or ally? Experts Debate Pros and Cons of ChatGPT in Schools

OpenAI's artificial intelligence is being the target of several points of view among the professionals of education. To date, debates have been held about the use of ChatGPT in educational institutions in Europe and the United States. In New York, for example, some schools blocked the tool in an attempt to stimulate the learning of the students themselves, who were resorting to the resource for the most basic.

ChatGPT influences education

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It works as an AI capable of capturing answers to whatever is asked or requested.

On a site that is still free to use, users ask whatever they want. Sounds great, right? The complication starts from the moment the intelligence passes incorrect data or outdated to users, as well as it does not reference the authors who raised the information that is sharing.

Schools made the decision to block the use of AI because inappropriate use could end up being recorded. Students can begin to appropriate texts from the “internet” that were reproduced by the robot.

This, therefore, has been a struggle. Is it really worth blocking access in the classroom?

In an interview with G1, technology professor at PUC-SP, Diogo Cortiz, spoke about the use of artificial intelligence in the classroom: “It won't help to prohibit it. It is the scenario for the future. First, we need to get to know ChatGPT and understand that it is not an oracle: it has limitations and positive points. Based on this, we will adapt the way of teaching and assessing”, he said from a technological point of view.

Advantages of AI

New form of interaction with school content

Teachers and students can interact in different ways with the content taught when applying ChatGPT. It can also serve as an independent survey method. Students can be helped to collect correct information by being encouraged to handle the platform correctly.

Development of critical sense

ChatGPT can be a tool used for students to exercise critical thinking and begin to exercise the ability to analyze the content covered. Upon obtaining the answer, the student will be able to compare the AI ​​with other information received, thus developing the critique.

This point will depend directly on how intelligence will be used.

Disadvantages of AI

inaccurate answers

According to the CEO of Educacional and vice president of Positivo Tecnologia, Martin Oyanguren, AI can offer wrong and misleading answers, especially when the question is not well formulated.

“It can provide incomplete or incorrect answers, especially if the questions are poorly worded or if the information in the knowledge base is out of date,” he said.

Does not have critical thinking, so opinions are not stimulated

The answers that the robot offers are shallow and do not encourage the student to think about that proposal. For these data, OpenAI was not able to reach, in fact, the stimulus that a human mind can establish to correlate the problems.

Lack of stimulus for research

The creativity of student it will not be exercised when you do not need to research the sources of information. ChatGPT can only be an initial response on a given subject, that is, it can only be useful as a starting point.

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