Understand the reasons for the drop in fuel prices in the country

In a short period of time, the fuel ended up suffering reductions in its values, reaching 19.2% cheaper in its refineries. At the height of this drop, the mark of R$ 4.06 per liter was reached on June 18 of this year.

The values ​​presented are the initial values ​​of this gasoline production chain. The price ends up suffering some differences if we add the values ​​of the profits of the distributors and also of the resellers, not counting the taxes charged. Adding it all up, it is possible to know the values ​​available to end consumers.

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The surveys carried out on prices at the pump that were carried out by the National Petroleum Agency, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP), also showed a very visible drop in oil prices. fuel.

In the period of 75 days, the average value sold per liter of fuel went from R$ 7.39 to R$ 5.25, a drop of approximately 29%.

This sharp drop is influenced by the international fuel market, which is also down, and the forced reduction in taxes by the Brazilian federal government during an election year. Fuels were one of the main causes of inflation in our country, shortly before the election of the new president of Brazil.

The price of gasoline has been the biggest beneficiary due to the drop in oil prices when we talk about the global scenario. But there is a concern, we cannot deny it, with the slowdown in world growth, which ends up contributing to the drop in the price of the commodity.

This fall has been happening since the month of June, approximately. Oil contracts ended up retreating a bit in value, staying below $100 in recent weeks. For this year 2022, the value of oil sold reached the mark of US$ 140 due to the impacts of the war in Ukraine

We can also point out that Petrobras has made transfers to distributors, a transfer that corresponds to only a part of the value of the fuel for the final consumer. Another point to be observed is that, as the election dispute this year is approaching, the government has taken advantage of these tax measures to be able to help reduce the prices of fuels.

At the end of June, the legislation has limited the rates on the tax known as ICMS, which are levied on items considered essential, such as fuel, natural gas, electricity, communications and also public transport, came into force to benefit its consumers.

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