THESE are the signs that are always in conflict or arguments

The way people deal with feelings can vary greatly, whether about good things or about bad things. Some have a more aggressive to deal with problems, and, for them, the best way to solve them is by getting into conflicts with others.

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The zodiac signs can explain to us why some people are always involved in fights. This listing of the signs that solve problems by screaming and arguing was created by Entertainment Times. Check below then the signs who are always arguing.

Aries (March 21st to April 20th)

Aryans, almost naturally, are quite explosive and temperamental. They get irritated easily and can lose their temper like no other person, for these reasons they are always in arguments.

Taurus (April 21 to May 20)

Taureans like people who obey their calls, and when they don't, they get upset easily. Discussion can always be the resolution for Taureans.

Gemini (May 21st to June 21st)

Gemini people are very fond of arguing! If you are in love with a person of this sign, be aware that there is always room for partners. They always tend to argue with people who don't agree with them and use this to get other people's attention.

Leo (July 22nd to August 22nd)

Leos also make it onto this list, as they generally have a short temper. They are people who do not tolerate lack of respect and can always be involved in long discussions. This sign's fights start with something normal, and it can happen that they decide not to talk to the person anymore out of nowhere.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22)

Virgos are not usually very confident of themselves and, in order to always be proving their own worth, they need to deceive others. This can be a good reason to get into conflict.

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