Migraine. Quality of life of migraine patients

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Many people feel headache, but few understand and know the type of pain presented. THE migraine stands out as one of the most frequent pains and also one of the most disabling.

THE migraine, also called migraine, is a chronic neurological disease that causes throbbing pain that varies in intensity from person to person and also at each crisis. This pain, if left untreated, can last for 4 to 72 hours and may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

Many patients with the disease report variations in vision that precede the headache, with the most common changes being the vision of zigzag dots and lines. In addition, tingling and numbness may occur throughout the body. These symptoms that precede the crisis are called aura.

Migraine is such a crippling disease that more than half of people who have it feel unwell even after the pain crisis. Among the most frequent posterior symptoms, fatigue, weakness, dizziness and gastrointestinal disorders stand out.

Many factors trigger migraine, requiring a detailed assessment by the patient and physician. It is recommended that the patient, when feeling pain, report on a paper everything that happened that day, such as what he ate or if there were situations of extreme stress.

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Although several factors are responsible for the pain, some stand out. According to the Brazilian Society of Headache, the top ten reasons are: excessive worry; long periods without proper nutrition; sleep badly; menstrual cycle; irritability; excessive coffee consumption; sedentary lifestyle; inadequate diet, rich in chocolate, citrus fruits and fatty foods, for example; excessive use of analgesics; genetic factors.

To prevent migraine, you can do some simple activities, such as sleeping at least eight hours a day; eating at the appropriate times and with healthy foods; drinking little coffee and caffeinated beverages; exercise regularly and avoid using over-the-counter pain relievers. For women, it is important to see a gynecologist so that he can balance hormones during the menstrual cycle.

Normally, light is a factor that causes a lot of discomfort (photophobia), as well as noise (phonophobia) and some smells (osmophobia). Therefore, it is recommended that, during migraine attacks, the patient stays in a place with poor lighting and without great noise, avoiding, for example, watching television.

It is worth emphasizing that migraine deserves specialized medical attention and monitoring, and should not be seen as a simple malaise. Studies reveal, for example, that those who have migraine have increased chances of having a cerebrovascular accident (CVA) and other cardiovascular problems.

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/saude-na-escola/enxaqueca.htm


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