O Romanticism it is an epochal style that can be considered as delimited in time, as it began in the late 17th century and lasted until the middle of the 20th century. It was the first school to break with classical values (15th and 16th centuries), since the Baroque (17th century), although it tried, it didn't totally succeed. From the beginning of Romanticism, everything that was opposed to the classic was classified as romantic (a term used to designate what was associated with Romanticism). Below, learn about the main characteristics of these two important literary schools: Classicism and Romanticism.
Cultivation of Greco-Roman Antiquity (Pagan Mythology)
Worship of the Middle Ages (Christianity)
The manof Classicism he was balanced, healthy, moralistic and disciplined. Showing great pleasure for life in society. the man of romanticism he was traumatized, undisciplined, unstable, self-centered, pessimistic, and morally unconcerned. He was the individualistic and solitary hero. While in Classicism there was a constant search for certainty and truths, in Romanticism, certainties did not exist, which led man to dissatisfaction and anguish.
The womanclassic he was unattainable, goddess, reflected divine love. the romantic woman, despite not having totally lost her divinity, since she was seen as an angelic being, she had another face, that of a seductress.
Love was another point of contention, as in Classicism it was seen as something rational, while in Romanticism, she was sentimental and sensual, as he was not platonic (unattainable) and could materialize through the femme fatale.
The nature it reflected “the spirit” of these literary schools, as the light, color, joy and softness present in Classicism were reflected in the arts. Just as the dark and melancholy side was present in Romanticism.
Closed and abandoned spaces, such as cemeteries and churches, next to sights rough and wild reflected the state of soul of Romanticism. However, Classicism preferred open places and bucolic landscapes.
As for the formal aspect, Classicism had regular versification and meter (preferably the sonnet), with selected language, therefore, not very accessible. In contrast, free verse (without meter and without verse) and white verse (without rhyme) were present in romantic poetry.
From now on, whenever there is a need to analyze classical or romantic works, pay attention to the differences presented.
By Mayra Pavan
Graduated in Letters
Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/literatura/classicismo-x-romantismo.htm