Identifying lies: the study of body language

People are not always frank during the dialogue, which can intentionally hinder understanding. With this, understanding the basic aspects related to the body language It's important to notice when people aren't speaking the true. Check out how the triangle method works for this.

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Understand beyond what is being said

According to experts on the subject, manipulators are usually classified into two groups. In the first, people lie out of habit, and this makes them faithfully believe what they are saying. In relation to the other group, liars understand that they are deceiving people, but they do it consciously.

To identify this type of person, it is necessary to notice some clues that they may miss in their features or in their movements. In this way, the triangle method helps us at this moment, where its three points can help us to get out of these situations:

1. Pay attention to what is not being said

It is obvious that those who are experienced in lying do not make it visible in their speech, but some hidden gestures can help. This is the case of some concerns in the lower and upper limbs, as well as the interiorization of the gesture. That way, instead of being comfortable, the liar will be more reclusive, like crossing his arms and legs.

2. Focus on gestures on the face

In addition to the gestures of the hands and legs, the face conveys many truths. With this, it is necessary to observe micro expressions in the mouth region and the direction of the gaze at certain times. In this way, looking down and to the left points to a lying formulation.

3. Be mindful of the body

Not only the way people speak, such as a shaky and paused voice, but repeated signals also need to be analyzed. With that in mind, notice when someone scratches their head, straightens their eyes, or rubs the back of their neck several times, as this could point out untruths in what is being said.

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