Lesson plan about water for early childhood education

THEME: Water in everyday life

YEAR: 3 to 5 years

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Lesson Plan – Do I need it? Desires vs. needs

DURATION: one to two classes


  • water temperature
  • sink or float
  • Where do we find the water
  • water absorption


  • Develop imagination and the capacity for abstraction and interpretation through this class plan;
  • Identify in which activities in our daily lives water is present;
  • meet the different States where water is found in nature (solid, liquid It is gaseous);
  • Address in a simplified way the importance of not wasting water;
  • Stimulate the child's natural curiosity.


WATER TEMPERATURE: What is REALLY COLD water? At the beginning of class, fill the ice molds and place them in the freezer. At the end, pick them up and talk about what happens to the water when it cools down.

SINK AND FLOAT: This experiment is very simple to do, as well as a lot of fun for children in this age group. Let the students choose some toys and place them in a container with plenty of water. Talk about which ones stayed on the surface (floated) and which ones went to the bottom (sinked). Then take them out, dry them off and try again with different toys.

WHERE WE FIND THE WATER: Discuss with the children some places where we can find water (swimming pools, rivers, lakes). Explain that water is also present in our body and in fruits! Present more fruits with a higher water content in the composition so that they realize how it is also present in food. Good fruits to use are: watermelon, melon, pineapple, pear, etc.

ENJOYING THE RAIN: When it is raining, watch the rain. Talk about the sounds we can hear during a thunderstorm. Also discuss “What are the signs that rain is coming?” If it is a dry season, videos can be used as visual aids to show the sights and sounds of rain.

ABSORB THE WATER: Provide the children with some materials and a small container of water. It's worth using plastic, wool, cotton, leaves and whatever else creativity allows. Then instruct them to test the materials one by one. With each test, talk about which ones absorbed the water and which ones didn't and why.

Related Contents:

  • Lesson Plan on Water - Elementary School
  • Coloring activities: Water Day
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