TikTok influencer sparks controversy after saying she's too pretty to work

One influencerfrom thenetworkSocialTikTokit saysbereadyforrefuseOwork hard, declaring what she é beautiful too much for to work. lucyWelcher,whathe has more than 10 million likes on TikTok, he did one declaration surprising on a videorecent what reverberatedquiteat Internet, sharing opinions.

"I do not want to work for therest of my life", stated the shamelessly blonde at thestart of your viral clip. "LookswhatII want wake up at 6 am all youdays for the next 60 years?”, Said the young woman in the publication. "No! II'm too pretty for that!”, She claimed shortly afterwards, while quietly drinking her iced coffee.

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Playback: Lucy Welcher

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Repercussion of Lucy Welcher's viral video on TikTok

After the influencer has posted the video on her network, youusersfrom theplatform

startedquicklyTheto weavecommentsabout he.Many criticizedThe creator in contentbecause of his high self-esteem, calling-a of lazy It is “authoritative”.

try to wake up to thein the morning all youdays working 60 hours a week”, replied a follower, arguing that they have a very different reality from the influencer.

I expect that you if humiliate, girl you need this.Aappearance has nothing to do with work and it's sad that you have that mindset,” said another TikTok user.

One of the comments posted on the video read: How about trying to be oneadult instead of onePrincess privileged waiting whatThe life be delivered to you?”

However, despite most of the comments being negative, Welcher found a few hundred supporters, through comments like "Sending this to every employer I've ever had", as one of his followers.

Many claimed to be tired and worn out from working so hard, and therefore agreed with the influencer's wrong statement.

About the young woman's current job

Recently, Lucy Welcher revealed in one of her videos that she had received a promotion at her current job. The content creator often posts videos of herself getting ready to go to work.

I'm starting onenewposition at my job today, so instead of doubling towels, I go to stayat table”, said the young woman in her video.

"I'm very nervous to start at the table because,althoughbe likely toseem very beautiful, intelligent and talented, I'm not smart at all, ”she said, making fun of herself when talking about her new role.

Despite all the controversy over the posted video, Welcher did not comment on where she works or what profession she pursues. The influencer did not comment further on the subject after the repercussion of the video.

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