Cell phone and bathroom: what risks does this duo bring to health?

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Sitting on the toilet for hours can even be an intimate, calm and relaxing moment. Throw the first stone who has never been a victim of this event. Read messages, browse social media and even watch videos on platforms. But do you know what the risks of using your cell phone in the bathroom?

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Experts warn against spending more than 10 minutes in the bathroom

Despite being a very common practice, it is not at all healthy for the human body and its organism. The position we are in to evacuate causes the anus to be at a dissimilar level in relation to the entire lower part of the body.

This generates greater pressure in the veins at the bottom, which can trigger inflammation, thus generating, hemorrhoids and rectal bleeding.

The toilet seat is not designed for people to sit for long minutes. As there is no necessary support for the perineum, there is pressure on the veins, causing all the blood to accumulate in that same place. From then on, hemorrhoid formation begins, influencing a condition of constipation and, in other cases, skin irritation, convenient direct contact with plastic or wood.

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The ideal time for evacuation is a maximum of five minutes, if you make an effort and nothing happens, it is best to go to the bathroom at another time of the day.

Long trips to the vase, in addition to generating inflammation in the rectum veins, can cause problems in the functioning of the bladder, making it difficult to store or empty urine and genital bulging, due to the weakening of the tissues that support these organs.

What is the correct position to evacuate?

Sometimes the difficulty in evacuating is nothing more than a dysfunction, that is, an inadequate position of the body that makes the digestion process difficult when sitting on the toilet.

The doctors advice is to sit on the toilet with your knees elevated (for this, you can use a small bench or even the garbage can) as if you were in the “squatting” position.

In this way, it is possible to exert relaxation of the puborectalis muscle, allowing the intestine to assume a vertical position, facilitating the exit of feces.


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