Clean arteries and blood vessels naturally and avoid cholesterol

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High cholesterol is one of the most harmful problems that human beings can develop, and it can even lead to death. After all, it is through the blood vessels that oxygen is carried to the organs by the blood.

Therefore, it is important to keep our circulatory system free of accumulations of fat and clean the arteries. So, check out how to do this process without medication.

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Foods to Clean Your Arteries and Avoid High Cholesterol

  • Avocado

Avocado is one of the greatest allies for those who are fighting high cholesterol, as it has several healthy fats. With this, those who consume avocados frequently manage to reduce low-quality lipoprotein, that is, bad cholesterol. At the same time, good cholesterol is stimulated.

  • Oat

There are many reasons why you should include oats in your diet, starting with the excellent reserve of fiber that the grain has. Since oatmeal helps to regulate the intestine, aids in digestion and generates satiety. In addition, it also has large amounts of betaglucan, a special fiber responsible for reducing bad cholesterol.

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  • Oil

It is very common for doctors to recommend the consumption of olive oil to patients who need to lower their blood cholesterol level. That's because this powerful food has oleic acid, very important for balancing HDL and LDL rates. In this case, it is recommended that the patient takes a spoonful of pure olive oil, as it loses its effect in fried foods.

  • Garlic

In addition to reducing inflammation caused by bacteria, garlic also provides resources for those who want to lower their blood cholesterol level. Since this food will be able to dilate the veins and arteries, in addition to eliminating the accumulation of fat that happens to be in the body. Therefore, it is very worthwhile to increase your diet with garlic in order to have a healthier life.


This article does not provide solutions to medical problems. Consult a specialist before starting any treatment.
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