Pfizer lays off more than 120 employees and sparks protests

More than 120 employees of one of the largest pharmaceutical companies responsible for developing one of the vaccines Against the Covid-19, pfizer, were fired. However, they spared no efforts to hold a protest at the company's doors, this Wednesday, May 25, in the south zone of São Paulo.

Of the total number, 70 former employees managed to enter the company, while others remained in the internal area of ​​the site, while the others remained at the entrance door.

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As far as we know, more than 120 workers had the function of propagandists, sellers for the company.

According to Antonio Silvan Oliveira, president of CNTQ (National Confederation of Workers in the Chemical Industry), the event hosted by former employees is named by them “occupation strike”, in order to carry out a negotiation with the pharmaceutical company, Pfizer.

In addition, Antonio also mentioned that the cuts made are not accepted by them, as well as what was offered to the dismissed.

For the Syndicate, approximately 150 dismissals are registered, but the company only confirms around 120.

Regarding the negotiation of the value offered to former employees, Silvan claimed that there was not much information, however, by signing the term of agreement with the amount of compensation, they will be stating that they will not appeal in the future at work justice, because they are satisfied, and any and all debts are paid off.

“The company offers an agreement that we understand is unrealistic. They hired a law firm to contact the professionals and settle the debts, severing any future legal relationship between the parties”, says Silvam.

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