in fact, the profession of a teacher is super necessary and important. However, there are frequent complaints regarding the salary paid. Recently, the Ministry of Education (MEC) readjusted the salary floor for teachers. However, even with a new remuneration, there are already states that have decided to pay an amount above the required. Check out how the wage floor is in some states.
Follow the updates made to the salary floor of state teachers
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Recently, the Ministry of Education (MEC) readjusted the salary floor for teachers. The new value is R$4,420.00 for 40 hours per week. However, there are states, at least ten, that have decided to increase this number.
City halls and local states must decide whether to adhere to the new wage floor. The increase, according to research, was 15%. Last year it was at R$ 3,845.63. However, for the National Confederation of Municipalities, this readjustment should not have been made, as it will cause a very large impact on municipal coffers.
However, the National Confederation of Workers in Education (CNTE), represented by education teachers, defends the legal validity of the increase.
Check below the wage floor values paid by each Brazilian state:
- Acre: BRL 2,880.00 (30 hours per week);
- Alagoas: BRL 3,845.63 (40 hours per week – high school);
- Amapá: BRL 3,921.26 (40 hours);
- Amazonas: BRL 4,749.22 (40 hours);
- Bahia: BRL 3,850.00 (40 hours);
- Ceará: BRL 5,413.18 (40 hours);
- Federal District: BRL 4,228.56 (40 hours);
- Espírito Santo: BRL 4,579.20 (40 hours);
- Goiás: BRL 3,845.63 (40 hours);
- Maranhão: BRL 6,867.68 (40 hours – degree);
- Mato Grosso: BRL 5,024.57 (30 hours – degree);
- Mato Grosso do Sul: BRL 10,318.18 (40 hours);
- Minas Gerais: BRL 3,845.61 (40 hours);
- Pará: BRL 3,845.64 (40 hours);
- Paraíba: BRL 3,564.44 (30 hours);
- Paraná: BRL 3,903.32 (40 hours);
- Pernambuco: BRL 3,900 (40 hours);
- Piauí: BRL 3,954.63 (40 hours);
- Rio de Janeiro: did not inform;
- Rio Grande do Norte: BRL 4,038.76 (40 hours);
- Rio Grande do Sul: BRL 4,038.52 (40 hours);
- Rondônia: BRL 3,845.63 (40 hours – basic education);
- Roraima: BRL 6,103.14 (40 hours);
- Santa Catarina: BRL 3,845.00 (40 hours);
- Sergipe: BRL 4,451.14 (40 hours);
- São Paulo: R$5,000 (40 hours – “New Teaching Career”);
- Tocantins: BRL 3,999.60 (40 hours – basic education).