Banana ice cream: Check out this healthy 1-ingredient recipe!

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In this hot summer in Brazil, the best way to deal with the temperature is with the help of a very cold ice cream. However, if you've been avoiding ice cream because of the calories or sugar, worry no more, as we'll introduce you to a banana ice cream recipe healthy.

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In addition, it is a lactose-free, 100% natural ice cream that takes only 1 ingredient to make. Hard to believe, is not it? But it's true, and it's delicious. With just a few bananas and a very easy process, you can make the perfect ice cream. Check out!

banana ice cream recipe


  • 4 bananas.

Method of preparation:

As already mentioned, you will only need 1 ingredient to make our banana ice cream, which is just bananas! Thus, separate 3 to 4 bananas, depending on the size. And choose the ripest bananas because they are sweeter and will help with the consistency.

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Now, with the bananas in hand, start the process by cutting them into very thin slices and then placing them in a bowl with a lid. This bowl should go into the freezer, where it should stay for at least 3 hours. If you prefer, you can leave it overnight in the freezer. With the frozen bananas, take them to the mixer or blender and process the bananas very carefully.

Also, a super tip is to turn off the blender from time to time while it is processing bananas. And when the texture of the banana is similar to an ice cream, you can stir it a little with a spoon and put it in a container.


Some extra tips to enhance this recipe, which is already delicious in itself, is to add some ingredients after the ice cream is ready. For example, you can pour in some chocolate sauce, peanut butter or sprinkles. However, if you want to keep your ice cream healthy, choose ingredients like granola, oatmeal and honey, which also goes very well.

Therefore, try this delight and share this article with your friends so that they know this wonderful recipe!

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