Find out what are the benefits of tomatoes for the health of your skin

Tomato is in sauces, salads and pasta. It is part of most culinary dishes and guarantees that special flavor and color.

In addition, tomato also has properties capable of assisting in the health of the body and skin! It has vitamins and minerals that are great for the health of your face and will make you wonder: why didn't I know about this before? Read the text and follow what are the benefits of tomatoes for your skin.

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Tomato benefits for the body

Tomato is a fruit rich in benefits and has properties that are beneficial for the whole body's health. Thus, he is rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, A, K, potassium and lycopene, In addition, he is able to help against inflammation, as he has anti-inflammatory properties.

It also has diuretic and antioxidant properties capable of preventing the development of diseases such as prostate cancer, heart attack and osteoporosis. Its low calorie content also contributes to weight control.

With this, its high fiber and antioxidant content are able to reduce fat and control appetite. In addition, it can also be used for face and skin health. Check out!

How to use tomatoes for skin health?

  • Reduction of oiliness

A good tip for using tomatoes is as a base for treating oily skin. To do this, cut the tomato in half and rub each strip across your face. Let it act for about 10 to 15 min and remove with running water.

  • acne prevention

Due to its vitamins C, A and K, tomatoes act to prevent acne, as they are able to control the skin's pH. So, just mix a little bit of mameluca oil, mix it with the tomato pulp and apply it on your face.

  • natural sunscreen

Curious, huh? But yes. Tomato can serve as a natural sunscreen for your face. Lycopene, a chemical found in tomatoes, protects you from the harmful effects of UV light. Just mix tomato with a little bit of natural yogurt. Let it act for about 15 to 20 minutes and rinse.

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