Learn to identify which is the best watermelon on the market

Even if you are an experienced person in the kitchen, would you know which is the best watermelon on the market? What are your selection criteria? Or rather, do you have any criteria when choosing a watermelon? Obviously, on the outside, they are all similar and look great for consumption, but you have to be careful to choose the best among them all.

Ah, it is worth remembering that this choice is made without even being able to cut the fruit to inspect it. But with the tip we'll give you below, you'll never go wrong at the time of purchase.

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When the watermelon is not yet ripe, that is, ready to be consumed, it tastes a little more bitter than usual. When the fruit reaches its peak, it is usually very red and with a delicious flavor.

The difficult question at this point is: when they are all together on the market shelves, which watermelon to choose? Check out this tip now.

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Which watermelon should you choose?

Watermelon is rich in nutrients that bring many health and body benefits. In addition to being delicious, it also leaves you hydrated, makes you feel full, helps prevent kidney stones and boosts immunity. That is, the list of benefits is huge.

With so many properties, watermelon consumption is part of many people's lives. Because it adjusts well to different climatic zones, this fruit can be found practically all year round. However, the fact is that not all people know how to select the best watermelon. If this is your problem, here is the solution.

The trick is in the tail of the fruit, known as the “tendril”. You need to see if this part is in the right spot. It is indicated that the color of the tendril is brown. The watermelon also needs to be dry. Thinking that this is not a good sign, many people have already stopped buying great watermelons. However, this is precisely what suggests that the fruit is good for consumption.

Be sure to check and compare with other choices if there is still any doubt. If the watermelon is as we said here, take it home and enjoy!

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