Influencer clashes with abuser over strange images

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A female passenger was completely intimidated when she realized that a man was taking inappropriate pictures and footage of her. Anna Carlos Rios, influencer, told the horrible experience. On her personal Instagram, she shared the fact, saying that she was “shaking with rage” due to the abuser’s reaction.

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Influencer is harassed during flight

The young woman confirmed that a man was taking pictures under her dress while she was sleeping. This case happened on December 14 during a flight from Belo Horizonte (MG) to São Paulo. The influencer was woken up by a flight attendant, who warned her that she was being harassed. The flight attendant said there was another passenger taking pictures of her private parts while she was unconscious.

The man shared with someone else, via WhatsApp, that he was "going to Brasilia with a plane behind me" and sent Rios' photo.

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Woman warned by flight attendant

In the video shared on social networks, the abuser appears while Rios confirms that he was practicing the act: “This gentleman here was taking pictures of me while I was sleeping. They had to tell me to move”, communicated the influencer by pointing the camera at the citizen in question.

Initially, when she was woken up by the flight attendant, Rios thought it was a fan taking pictures, but woke up to a completely different reality.

"My first reaction [to the flight attendant] was 'I work on social media, he must have recognized me'", explained the influencer. “But she said to me, ‘I don’t think so. While you were sleeping, he zoomed in and tried to see what was under your dress.

After coming to her senses, Rios asked the abuser to delete her photos from his cell phone. As she cried, very nervous, she said she felt vulnerable and insecure.

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After the case, accused he was escorted to the police station and gave a statement, but was released shortly thereafter. Shaken by the situation, Rios shared how she was feeling about the act: “I went to him feeling that the my privacy had been invaded, said this was not right, that I could be a mother, sister or daughter from him".

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