Border recalculation adds 72 km² to Brazilian territory

Today (29), the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) released three annual surveys in the area of Geosciences: the Municipal Digital Grid 2022, the Update of Municipal Maps and the Territorial Area of ​​States and Counties.

Composed of digital files that represent all municipalities in Brazil and the total area of ​​the country, the Municipal Digital Mesh is a study that provides subsidies for Municipal Maps and the updating of values ​​of Territorial Areas.

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And according to this study, the Brazilian territory had an increase of 72.2 square kilometers (km²) in 2022. With this update, the total area of ​​the country was adjusted to 8,510,417.771 km².

The IBGE clarifies that this expansion occurs due to the physical reality of rivers in some regions, in in line with information provided by the Boundary Demarcating Commissions of the Ministry of Exteriors.

In addition, the IBGE released updated maps, showing changes in the boundaries of 174 Brazilian municipalities. These changes in the political-administrative division took place between May 1, 2021 and July 31, 2022.

Rio Grande do Sul was the state with the highest number of changes in municipal boundaries, with 61 municipalities, followed by Pernambuco (50) and Paraná (47). Changes also occurred in Mato Grosso (six), Maranhão and Rio Grande do Norte (three each) and Tocantins and Goiás (two each).

Source: IBGE.

The detailed description of the technical, historical and legal specifications regarding the use of the Digital Municipal Network and the values ​​of the Areas Territorials can be found in the document “Malha Municipal Digital e Áreas Territoriais 2022: Technical and Legal Information for the Use of Data Published”. This material is accessible from IBGE Library.

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