Ambev: Global Trainee Program 2016

Ambev, a publicly traded Brazilian company, one of the largest beverage manufacturers in the world, made the regulation public, establishing the steps relating to the selection process for the 2016 Global Trainee Program to be held in several Brazilian cities, depending on the number of candidates in each region.

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To be part of the selection process, interested parties must complete the undergraduate course by December 2015 or have a maximum of two years of graduation, have fluency in English or in other languages, knowledge of computers and availability to move or live in other states during the training period and in the positioning.

Contemplated Courses

Professionals from Agribusiness, Administration, Systems Analysis and Information Technology, Biological, Foreign Trade, Science, Accounting, Controllership, Law, Electronics, Engineering, Economics, Statistics, Pharmacy, Physics, Finance, Management, Journalism, Logistics, Marketing, Mathematics, Advertising, Psychology, Chemistry and Relations International.

Remuneration Offered

The selected candidates will receive an initial salary of BRL 5,500.00 and a stable contract.

Registration Period

Interested parties will have the opportunity to register until September 7, 2015 via the email address:, clicking on “Sign up”.

Selection Stages

Participants will be submitted to the following stages, consecutive and eliminatory: Enrollment and Curriculum Assessment, Cultural Online Test Fit, Online English Test, Online Logical Reasoning Test, Individual Business Case, Face-to-face Interview, Business Panel and Interview Final.

With regard to individual interviews, they are scheduled to take place in the cities of Brasília, Belo Horizonte, Curitiba, Campinas, Florianópolis, Fortaleza, Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro, Recife, São Paulo and Salvador, and changes may occur during the course of the process.

The Business Panel stage must be held in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. The Final Interview will be held at the Main Office of Companhia Ambev, located in the city of São Paulo.

All necessary information regarding the selection process will be available to interested parties at the electronic address:

More information can be obtained at the address:

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