3 shortcuts for Android phones that will save your routine

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Smartphones have already become a great tool in our work and study routine. But did you know that it is possible to make these tools even more agile through some shortcuts for android phone? Check here some of the functions that will make your life easier and solve several problems.

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The best shortcuts for Android phone

There are several shortcuts available for Android phones, but they are not well known by people. This is really a shame, since they are great solutions to problems in our daily routine that are capable of reducing the time we spend using our cell phones. Here are some of the most useful ones:

Voice Search

During the day we do several searches on Google whether it's to answer questions about traffic, weather, words we need to write or public services. Thus, a great option to speed up this task is to activate Google Now Voice Search. Just activate the voice command in the app and unlock the search every time you say “Ok Google”.

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contacts widgets

Everyone has that one contact we always text or call more often than the rest. Therefore, there is an option to save this contact as a Widget so that it is always available on your cell phone's lock screen. To do this, just press the home screen for a few seconds and click on the “Widget” option and save the contact.

smart lock

We may use unlock passwords such as fingerprint or numeric codes for device security. However, to facilitate this task, there is the “Smart Lock” option, in which the cell phone unlocks itself depending on the location where you are. So, just go to the “Security” option in the settings tab to activate the “Smart Lock” option. Then, you will be able to save the locations where you feel safer, which will be the places where the cell phone will unlock itself. Therefore, this shortcut requires that the GPS is always on to work.


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