Amacano Zoo will let you name a cockroach after an ex

In the United States, Valentine's Day lovers It is known as Valentine’s Day and is celebrated on February 14th. With the date approaching, the San Antonio Zoo is offering a very different opportunity to perform a "tribute" to an ex who left no good memories.

Zoo initiative is unusual

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For $10, you can name a cockroach after your ex-boyfriend. And it doesn't stop there, huh? The cockroach “baptized” with the name of someone not so special in your life will be fed to an animal. If this isn't a very direct message about your lack of interest in this person, then none will be.

The name of the project is “Cry Me a Cockroach” (something like “cry me a cockroach”, a pun for the American expression of “cry me a river”, which is something like “cry a river for me”). According to the website, this action will "support the zoo's visions of securing a future for wildlife in Texas and around the world."

In addition to the cockroaches, you can choose a vegetable for $5 or even a rodent for $25. In case you have a really annoying ex, there's still the option to pay $150 to have a custom video uploaded. sent to the person, where the cockroach, rodent or vegetable with the chosen name is devoured by an animal chosen in the Zoo.

Everyone who buys this game will receive a digital card, which shows the support they have given to the place. In addition, they receive the option of sending their ex a card of the same type with the information that a cockroach, rodent or vegetable was named after him, but soon after it was fed to someone else. bug.

According to the zoo's director of public relations, the annual event is a success, as more than 8,000 donations, coming from all US states and from more than 30 different countries, were received in the year past. To participate, you must inform the name of the person before Valentine's Day in this site.

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