Cold and flu: is the rain to blame? Video of child sparks controversy

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Recently, a video of a baby taking a shower with his parents went viral on the internet. However, the family moment raised some questions about the health of the children: does taking in the rain cause the flu or a cold? To answer this, we separate this complete text. Check out!

Is the flu the same as a cold?

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First of all, the flu and the common cold are two different illnesses caused by different viruses.

While both are respiratory, the flu is usually more severe than a common cold and can cause more intense symptoms, such as a high fever, muscle aches and extreme fatigue.

The cold is usually a milder illness and is characterized by symptoms such as runny nose, cough, sore throat and sneezing.

According to Michelle Andreata, pulmonologist at Saúde no Lar, the flu is a viral infection caused by the influenza virus and the cold usually occurs due to changes in temperature.

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After all, does rain cause the flu or a cold?

According to the pulmonologist, rain can cause a cold, which is different from the flu. Brazil is a very hot country, and the transition seasons accentuate the heat and cold even more. In this way, we suffer from thermal inversions that are very sudden.

“When it is very cold, people close the windows because of this change in temperature. And this exchange of temperatures happens because it rains at this time of year, both in autumn and spring. On the other hand, right after the rain, we have more heat and a lot of stuffiness”, explained Michelle Andreata.

Another factor is the use of fans, which contributes to the cold. That's because they make the air even drier and more conducive to this disease. However, as the doctor reinforces, none of this causes the flu.

“What causes flu is influenza infection. The difference is that at this time of year we spend more time indoors, we live closer with other people. With the smaller distance between people in these closed environments, there is less chance of infection”, concluded the doctor.

Finally, check out the video that caused the controversy below:

🚨 WATCH: Parents show their daughter a rain shower and say: “The flu is a virus (…) Let your child be a child and be a child together with her. Create memories and enjoy”

— CHOQUEI (@choquei) March 28, 2023

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