ClimaAdapt: ​​government platform that identifies climate event

Last Monday, the 3rd, the Ministry of Integration and Regional Development (MIDR) and Microsoft do Brasil announced the ClimaAdapt platform. The tool uses public data from environmental agencies to identify specific vulnerabilities in Brazilian regions related to climate events. Check out more about this new platform throughout the article.

Tool will be a great differential for monitoring climate factors

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According to minister Waldez Góes, the platform is fundamental in mitigating and adapting to climate change.

“Understanding vulnerability to climate change is important for us to better understand the risks that the population is exposed to when there are occurrence of extreme rainfall, tropical depressions, extratropical cyclones, severe droughts and other extreme weather events and so we develop a resilience climate”, said the minister.

Information on layers of specific vulnerabilities will be made available, such as soil types, terrain slope, GDP per capita and HDI, among other information.

In addition, the platform features two specific models: one to check sea level rise as a result of climate change and another to identify critical stretches of federal and state highways, helping to identify areas of flooding and landslides slopes.

“Understanding risk and vulnerability helps us adapt to changes in climate, which are already happening and are recurring, helping, thus, to better direct public resources and actions and programs in the sense of preventing and mitigating the extreme impacts of changes in the climate", explains Goes.

Microsoft, an American multinational also present in Brazil, said that the project "represents an important opportunity to use our technology to support the development of solutions that positively impact the planet and society”, highlighted the president, Tânia Cosentino.

A Microsoft is one of the largest technology companies in the world, widely known for its Microsoft Windows operating system. The system launched so far incorporates 15 layers of information, which can be analyzed individually or together.

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