New bodybuilding technique makes you gain more muscle mass

From time to time, new bodybuilding techniques are disseminated in gyms, among instructors and students. The ball of the moment is MTUT. First, let's "name the horse". MTUT is an acronym for “Menance Time Under Tension”, or “Medium Time Under Pressure”, in free translation. According to its creator, Dennis James, the technique uses the tension made in the muscles during the exercises in its favor. If you haven't already, read on to find out.

How to make MTUT?

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The new bodybuilding technique is not for everyone. Despite being simple, according to James, it is advanced and exhausting. Therefore, it should only be done by those who already have some experience and experience in the sport.

The MTUT consists of doing three sets of the exercise at normal cadence. However, the fourth should be done very slowly. The movement should be done until muscle failure, with several sets of up to five minutes.

Personal trainer Fernando Dragão, in an interview with the website Earth, explained that this bodybuilding technique enhances the muscular Epoc effect. This effect refers to an excessive consumption of oxygen after exercise, that is, a greater expenditure of energy.

Still according to the physical education professional, the MTUT leads to a high release of GH, the growth hormone. In this way, there will be greater muscle mass gain.

Bodybuilding technique care

The first care to do the MTUT is knowing how to perform the exercise correctly. After all, you will be doing several repetitions of the same movement. If something is wrong, you will do it wrong many times.

The second thing to be careful about when doing this bodybuilding technique is to pay attention to your weight. Who practices this sport in search of hypertrophy usually uses large loads. However, the number of MTUT sets must be taken into account. So, don't try to push your body beyond what it can. Respect yourself.

The third may seem obvious, but it is often overlooked: always follow up with a physical education. He will guide you through the process, avoiding injuries or more severe consequences for your health.

Graduated in Social Communication at the Federal University of Goiás. Passionate about digital media, pop culture, technology, politics and psychoanalysis.

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