4 Signs You're Still Not Over Your Last Relationship

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overcome one relationship that was pretty good for a while is certainly one of the hardest things we need to do. No wonder some people take years to get back on top. If that seems like a long time to you, know that some people don't even make it! That's right. They are still stuck in the past. Is this your case?

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Take a look at the main signs that you haven't gotten over the breakup the way you'd like.

Still need to get over your ex

Do you know when you end a relationship, but still feel that there is some pending between the two that needs to be resolved? Well, this is just one of the signs that you haven't been able to handle that end point all that well.

After all, how to overcome it? First of all, you have to recognize that you are still stuck in the past where some things were good and are missing. If you're still not sure if you left the ex-passion there, see the signs.

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Everything reminds you of him

No matter what context we are talking about, you will always find yourself thinking about your old love again quite insistently. Including these memories can be quite invasive and uncomfortable, as they bring you suffering and pain. Know that when you manage to break with the past, everything will become great news.

you still hold a grudge

Maybe your breakup wasn't peaceful at all and caused you a very big and deep wound. Don't get attached to it, as these wounds tend to heal when you can get over it and forget that this relationship ever existed.

People who still hold grudges and anger need to be careful, as this supposed hatred can be a lot of affection.

You compare all people to your ex

He ended the relationship and finds himself with some new romance opportunities, but he chooses to pass them all on. huh? If the main reason for this rejection is the fact that anyone seems less attractive than your last love, it's time to get those ideas out of your head. This is self-sabotage!

This is a characteristic of a breakup that has not been resolved and that greatly damages your relationship. emotional.

You still stalk your ex

No matter how much time has passed since the breakup, you still make time to go check up on things with your former social media love. Some people even create fake profiles just for the purpose of monitoring the other person. Want more evidence that they're not over what happened?


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