What is anti-venom serum?

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We know that there are several venomous animals in our country, a varied group of snakes, spiders and scorpions. Among the venomous animals found in Brazil, we can mention: jararaca, surucucu, rattlesnake, true coral, snake spider, brown spider, tarantula, black scorpion and yellow scorpion.

The bite of these animals can trigger several processes in our body that range from local pain to death. To reduce the effects of these toxins and avoid further complications, so-called anti-venomous serums.

The serum is produced by some companies and purchased by the Ministry of Health, which distributes throughout the country. These serums are distributed free of charge to people who have suffered some kind of accident with these animals.

To produce the serum, it is necessary to inject the dehydrated and crystallized venom into a horse. The horse then spends 40 days in a process called hyperimmunization. It is during this period that the horse will produce antibodies against the injected venom. After these 40 days, a blood sample is taken and analyzed to verify the amount of antibodies produced. When the antibody content is reached, the animal's blood is taken. The plasma, the part that contains the antibodies, is separated from the red blood cells and taken for quality analysis.

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When a person has an accident with a poisonous animal, the serum is then injected. As the serum has antibodies against a particular poison, there is a quick fighting action. As toxins act quickly, it is not possible for our bodies alone to have an immune response.

Among the serums produced in Brazil, we can mention:

Antilatrodectic: against black widow spider venom. This serum is only produced by Instituto Vital Brazil.

Antiarachnidic: against the venom of spiders of the genus Phoneutria (armory), loxosceles (brown spider) and Brazilian scorpions of the genus Tityus.

Antiscorpion: against the venom of Brazilian scorpions of the genus Tityus.

Antilonomic: against the venom of caterpillars of the genus Lonomy.

Antibotropic: against the poison of jararaca, jararacuçu, urutu, caiçaca, cotiara.

Anticrotalic: against rattlesnake venom.

Antilaquetic: against the venom of surucucu.

Antielapide: against coral poison.

Antibothropic-lachetic: against the poison of jararaca, jararacuçu, urutu, caiçaca, cotiara or surucucu.

In case of an accident with any of these venomous animals, seek medical attention immediately and try to take the animal with you. This makes it easier to choose which serum to indicate. Also remember not to use tourniquets or tourniquets, not to cut and not to put any substance in the place of the bite.

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/o-que-e/biologia/o-que-e-soro-antipeconhento.htm


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