Importance of Water in the Diet

Water is the fundamental liquid for life. The human body is made up of more than 60% water, which makes it an essential nutrient for health. The entire functioning of the body depends on water. In addition to distributing nutrients throughout the different organs of the body, water helps to regulate the body temperature, eliminate toxins through urine and perspiration and stimulate transit intestinal. Thus, when there is little water in the body, the body suffers damage.

Drinking lots of water balances the body, making it more resistant and function better. Although the amount depends on the temperature of the day, the intensity of the activity that takes place, the type of work, whether exposed to the sun or not, experts advise drinking at least two liters of water per morning.

The two liters of water recommended should be ingested in regular amounts and at regular intervals. Thirst, which is caused by the low amount of water inside the cells, decreasing the elimination of water through the kidneys and through saliva is a signal from the body indicating that the individual should drink Water.

Water plays an important role in the health of the skin, as it guarantees hydration and favors the absorption of nutrients necessary for its balance. If water is lost, the skin becomes dehydrated, becoming rough and age-friendly.

For children, water plays an important role in growth, body function, improves kidney, bladder and bowel function. Always offer children water, as they are less likely to feel thirsty during an activity and may not feel the body's need for water.

By Patricia Lopes
Brazil School Team

Good shape - Health and wellness - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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