Did your score go up? Serasa updates score of 44% of Brazilians

For more than 44% of Brazilian consumers, a new reality knocked on the door after updating the score from Serasa. The institution responsible for analyzing the history and consumption habits of Brazilians recently modified the score of approximately half of consumers. See what has changed.

Read more: Check out 4 simple steps to clear your name on Serasa

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When it comes time to release credit, large banks and other financial institutions make a brief consultation with Serasa to understand the profile of the possible client. Analyzing contracted debts, contracted credit cards and payment history are among the company's attributions. This information is all forwarded.

Brazilians are taking better care of their finances

A new update in the calculation system of the score shows an interesting novelty. Consumer ratings increased on the platform after an adjustment to the weighting system responsible for the final result.

A Brazilian can score from 0 to 1000 on Serasa. With the most recent update, the company sought to draw a more real profile of the consumer and understand the way he pays and manages his finances and other debts contracted.

A high number can guarantee access to the best credit conditions, depending on the customer's good paying profile. Access to the highest limits on credit cards is also almost guaranteed.

In this way, with the new system update, the consumer will be able to understand which are the weights that the financial market most values ​​when determining the score and work to increase the score.

Consult your numbers on Serasa

To find out your current score, just enter the site from Serasa and click on “Consult Serasa Score”. This search is free and open to all consumers. Just create an account by informing data such as CPF, full name and date of birth. If you already have it, you just need to access your account with CPF and password.

On the portal, there is information about your behavior and the reasons why your score fell or increased. In addition to knowing what are the elements that make up the numbering, you can still see information about your financial history.

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