The worst earthquakes in history

You earthquakes are triggered by geological faults, volcanic activities and by the collision between tectonic plates. This phenomenon causes transient tremors on the earth's surface and can generate the formation of giant waves (tsunamis) in the oceans, which, if they reach the terrestrial portion, can cause great damage.

Seismic shocks have occurred for thousands of years, however, with the current information system it is possible to obtain news of earthquakes in different parts of the planet. Technological advances in the means of communication allow information to be quickly disseminated to the world. With this, we have the feeling that the number of earthquakes is increasing.

Some areas of the planet are more prone to the occurrence of earthquakes, as they are located in zones of plate convergence. This is the case of Japan, Indonesia, Chile, Haiti, etc. The regions located on the edges of tectonic plates are those that suffer most from the destructive power of earthquakes.

The severity of an earthquake depends on its magnitude in the

Richter scale, from the depth of the hypocenter (place where the plates meet) and the number of people living in the affected area. Taking into account the magnitude, the five worst earthquakes ever recorded on the planet are:

1st) Chile – In May 1960, an earthquake of 9.5 degrees on the Richter Scale it reached the city of Valdivia, causing the death of more than 5,700 people.

2) Alaska – An earthquake of 9.2 degrees on the Richter Scale it reached Alaska in 1964. On this occasion, more than 100 peopledied and the number of victims was not higher only because the region was sparsely populated.

3) Indonesia – In December 2004 an earthquake of magnitude of 9.1 degrees. The meeting of the tectonic plates took place in the Pacific Ocean, forming a tsunami. On this occasion, more than 230 thousand people died.

4) Japan – Located in the most seismic area on the planet, Japan was hit by an earthquake of 9.0 degrees on the Richter Scale. A tsunami invaded the eastern portion of the country, causing the death of more than 10 thousand people. This fact occurred on the day March 11, 2011.

5) Russia – An earthquake of magnitude 9.0 degrees on the Richter Scale was registered in 1952 on the Kamchatka Peninsula, located in the eastern portion of Russia. The losses were financial, with no deaths caused by this earthquake.
By Wagner de Cerqueira and Francisco
Graduated in Geography

Curiosities - geography - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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