Benefits of chimarrão: Drink can prevent cancer and help with intestinal transit

Chimarrão is a drink made from yerba mate and therefore has all the advantages of this ingredient. Due to its preparation with hot water, the drink gains new properties. For example, they are among benefits of taking chimarrão improvement in digestion, reasoning and disposition, in addition to the prevention of cancer cells.

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Benefits of taking chimarrão

  • detox drink

Yerba mate is a powerful natural diuretic that makes chimarrão an excellent detox drink. It will help in the maintenance of the kidneys and in the elimination of liquids and other harmful substances to our body. Therefore, it can be excellent for treating the effects of a hangover or after eating too much, while its daily consumption helps to eliminate fat in the long term.

  • more disposition

Researchers have already confirmed that yerba mate is very important for maintaining the brain and providing us with disposition, better concentration and reasoning. This is largely due to the fact that this herb contains a good amount of caffeine. Therefore, she helps those who seek to reduce fatigue and mental fatigue due to everyday life.

  • better digestion

Another important benefit is the improvement in digestion, which happens due to the laxative properties of yerba mate. Thus, the drink can contribute to the treatment of intestinal constipation and difficulties when evacuating. In fact, many experts point to chimarrão as one of the secrets for good intestinal transit.

  • Prevents cancer

Finally, we have this great advantage that a large part of the population is still unaware of, which is the effect of yerba mate on cancer prevention. This is because the herb has many antioxidants that, in addition to combating cell aging, will also prevent cancer cells. Therefore, those who consume chimarrão have a greater chance of having healthy aging and lower risks of developing malignant cancer. It is also worth noting that the drink has a positive effect on skin health, promoting greater elasticity and fewer expression lines.

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