Now WhatsApp also has the single view for photos, as well as other social networks such as Instagram and Snapchat. However, not everyone is aware of how this messenger feature works, as in fact there are more details than you are told. So, if you want to stay on top of everything that really happens in these shipments, check it out here!
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The photo is not saved
Don't worry, when you send a photo in a single view on WhatsApp, you are guaranteed that it will not be saved on someone else's cell phone. In this way, the messenger goes on to assert that that image message will only be seen at that moment. Even if you send a photo directly from the camera, there will be no records even on your cell phone.
WhatsApp does not notify screenshots in single view photos
If, on the one hand, it is not possible to automatically save photos in a single view, on the other hand, it is still possible to take a print. This is because, unlike Instagram, WhatsApp will not notify you if the person you talked to has taken a screenshot of the photo. Therefore, there is nothing that guarantees that that image will disappear once and for all.
The photo disappears in 14 days
If someone hasn't opened the single view photo at the time of the conversation, they may indeed see it at some later point in time. However, it is necessary to pay attention, because after 14 days it will no longer be possible to open the photo, since it will disappear from the conversation.
can't share
Another positive point of using single view is the impossibility of forwarding the image message in this format. Therefore, in theory, the photo will only remain with the person who received it. However, once again it is necessary to emphasize that there is a chance that someone will take a print of the image to share.
Single view photos are backed up
When a single view photo is not seen immediately, and someone makes a backup, the image is also saved. That's because backups ensure that you have access to all the content you need your viewing. However, in the backup, the photos will follow the same criteria of being able to be seen only once and be available within 14 days.