3 benefits of lemon in your daily eating routine

Lemons are a fruit packed with vitamin C, lots of fiber and a variety of plant compounds that provide a huge range of health benefits. In addition to being a simple fruit to obtain, easily accessible, it can also be used in several recipes, even for the so-called “immunity shot”.

So, now check out three unmissable benefits of lemon in your daily eating routine and learn how to make an excellent morning shot for your health!

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3 benefits of lemon for our health

  • Help with weight control

Lemon is often advertised as a food that helps with weight loss, and there are several theories as to why this is so. One of them is that pectin soluble fiber - helps in the proper digestive functioning and in the reduction of cholesterol – included in lemon expands in the stomach, making people feel full more time.

However, other studies and assumptions suggest that the plant compounds found in this fruit may help with weight loss. One study found that plant compounds found in lemon extracts can help prevent or reduce weight gain in several ways.

  • Improves heart health

One lemon is able to provide approximately 31 mg of vitamin C, which is about 51% of the recommended daily intake (RDI). Also, according to studies, eating fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamin C greatly reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke.

However, this vitamin is not the only one that is good for the entire heart system. Fiber and plant compounds in lemons also have significant potential to reduce some heart disease risk factors.

  • Prevents the appearance of kidney stones

According to some researches, the prevention of kidney stones can be given by the citric acid found in the lemon, which increases urine pH and volume, creating a less favorable environment for stone formation kidneys.

If you drink at least 125 ml of lemon juice a day, you can provide enough citric acid to help prevent the formation of stones in people who have had them at some point.

Make an excellent morning shot with lemon!

Taking lemon with propolis is ideal to help alkaline the pH of the blood, contributing to better digestion and absorption of nutrients. The antioxidant property of propolis has a powerful effect on our immunity, helping to combat infections, preventing premature aging and fatigue, acting as a natural stimulant in the body.

In a glass, mix the juice of half a lemon and 15 drops of green propolis, preferably with slightly warm water. So, take your shot first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach. Also, the use of a straw is recommended to avoid direct contact between the lemon and your teeth!

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