This CEO Discloses Some Toxic Personalities He Often Encounters

It's really bad to have to live and work with people who have toxic personalities, so it's very important to identify personality traits before even getting close to these people. Therefore, this CEO discloses toxic personalities to avoid building working relationships.

Toxic Personalities Not to Have in Your Business

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If someone asks you how many toxic people you know, you'll probably answer that you know several, after all, these people are scattered everywhere. However, when having a business, it is very important that you select very well who you will work with so that you do not acquire future headaches.

However, identifying these people before even approaching them can be a really complicated task, but quite necessary.

Knowing this, for 10 years being CEO, investor, founder and working with thousands of people different, this CEO came to understand 4 toxic personality types that are very common to find in the Marketplace. So, by identifying the signs, he automatically walks away and avoids working with people like that.

Unable to recognize the other

People like that can't even praise other people or be happy when someone approaches to be part of the group. They are extremely insecure and controlling and, therefore, if they see something positive about you that they cannot have, they begin to aim to harm you.

In addition, they tend to take advantage of those who are more introspective, therefore, to deal with them, it is very important to know how to position yourself.

Unable to recognize and aggressive

It is often not possible to clearly identify this type of person, however, in addition to not knowing how to recognize the other, they are also aggressive. In this way, they use the vulnerability of the other to promote themselves.

In order for you to be able to deal with these people in the best way, you need to demand their due recognition and not show insecurity.


People like this are extremely difficult to deal with, after all, they see any obstacle as an injustice, as if the world was against them.


These people are just like the victims, but they seek to overwork themselves to feed their story that the organization dumps too much work on them.

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