Learn how to query traffic fines by CPF

the query of tickets by the CPF is a procedure done online in a simple way through the SENATRAN Services Portal. In this way, there is the possibility of checking violations of the driver, as well as detailing the history of each fine. In addition, the query can be carried out by offender or by vehicle.

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Consulting traffic fines on the internet is extremely useful, because most of the time the driver takes time to receive it at home, and this delays the entire process of regularizing the situation. Therefore, the online consultation makes it easier to make the payment and check if the vehicle is up to date with its obligations.

Consultation of traffic fines online using the CPF - SENATRAN

The procedure is simple. First, login to SENATRAN Portal having your CPF and password or a Digital Certificate. It's important to remember that you need to have an active CNH Digital. From there, just click on the option to enter with Gov.br in the upper right corner of the screen and enter your data.

After login, click on the “Infractions” icon, which is in the center of the portal's main page. Soon after, select whether you want to consult the infractions by violator or by vehicle. Once this is done, it is possible to view the details of each of the infractions.

Other ways to check traffic fines online – Detran

In this case, it is possible to consult the fines through RENAVAM. Access the Detran website of your respective state, select the option “Vehicle” or “Violation” and then fill out the form with the license plate number, RENAVAM or chassis. These numbers can be found on the CRLV or CRV part.

How can I consult traffic fines through the Federal Police website?

First of all, it is worth mentioning that consulting the Federal Police website may not be the best option, since it shows only the infractions that have not yet been paid and the new fines can take about 30 days to be included in this system.

Only infractions committed in the BRs

Another observation is that on the Federal Highway Police website it is only possible to consult fines committed on federal highways, that is, the BRs. So go to the site and select the option “Fines”, and then click on “Consultations and payment of fines”.

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