Although often used in a confusing way, the terms “ranch”, “farm”, “sítio” and “farm” are distinct. They have specific definitions in the rural context. Understand better how to classify each one of them according to the rules in force in Brazil.
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The last census by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) calculated the number of rural properties in the country. There are more than 5 million establishments that can be classified as farm, ranch, ranch, etc.
What is a farm anyway?
A farm is a rural property dedicated to agriculture and animal husbandry. Generally, a farm is a large area of land where large-scale production of food such as grains, fruits, vegetables or raising animals for the production of meat, milk and/or eggs.
The farms are characterized by their large expanse of land and the use of modern machinery and techniques to maximize production. Normally, we find in them a diversity of agricultural and livestock activities that coexist.
Understand what a ranch is
A ranch, on the other hand, is a rural property intended for the raising of cattle. Unlike the farm, ranches are usually specialized in raising animals such as cattle, sheep or horses.
Ranches tend to have a smaller area than farms, but have adequate structures and facilities for raising and managing cattle. On a ranch, it is common to find pastures, corrals, barns and other facilities related to livestock.
What is a site, by definition?
A site is a rural property smaller than a farm, which is generally intended for subsistence agriculture or recreational activities.
Sites are characterized by a relatively small area of land where people can grow their own food for their own consumption or for small-scale sale.
In addition, they can be used as places of leisure and rest, with the presence of gardens, recreation areas and even country houses.
Finally, the cottage
A farm is similar to a farm, but is usually larger and has more infrastructure, always combining agricultural and recreational activities.
They are often used as recreational venues for families, with garden areas, swimming pool, barbecue facilities and spaces for outdoor events.
Although some farms may also have agricultural activities on a smaller scale, their main purpose is to provide an environment of rest and fun for owners and visitors.